Our Method

We explore and understand the world through methodological methodological imagination, using qualitative and qualitative and quantitative techniques

Our Method

We explore and understand the world through

methodological imagination, using techniques

qualitative and quantitative


In order to understand the world, society and people, methodological imagination is our hallmark.
hallmark. We use qualitative research techniques to understand and quantitative to measure.

This is our method:

Context: We frame in the relevant contexts where the business / brand / project moves to take into account social, cultural, economic and political trends, as well as the position of our competitors.

Framework for analysis and interpretation

Our way of analyzing and interpreting is based on the assumption that people guide their decisions

and actions by their intuitive reactions, emotions and culture.

Proprietary tools

We go beyond conventional simple surveys and focus groups. We use proven tools and have created proprietary methodologies specially designed to understand qualitatively and measure quantitatively.

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